廣告位置二 (中)

【Geog】5** Map Skills分享

map skill 出的題數雖然唔多,但基本上一分都盡量唔好失,要攞晒MC22%其實係要40MC全對先得,所以都唔好忽略Map skill。

我個人就好少做坊間啲練習,主要做dsemap reading,做錯既題記住做多幾次。

        Measure area
通常本書會叫你畫0.5cmx0.5cm/1cmx1cm 既格仔,但真 正考果陣畫格仔實在好浪費時間,所以有得簡就盡量貼住 要搵那個feature 畫個長方形,再減走多餘的面積

        Conventional sign
第一要認晒啲signs,特別記住 swamp mangrove 1:200001:5000 都唔同。山上面綠色係woodland, 白色係 grassland

除左要記得gradient 條式,睇水邊既 contour line 要小 心,唔好assume water level of reservoir 都係 0m。計footpath or road 長度記住攞紙條度(eg average gradient of road from spot height 60.1 to spot height 4.9,唔 係度連起兩點那條直線),但個人建議攞繩,省掉撕紙時 間

        Cross section
大致上睇頭睇尾,睇 key,睇山丘

eg transect from 470137 to 470127,就畫條直線穿過 470137 470127,之後睇 land useinstitutional library, police station, post office, school, etc.

總之無突然高出黎既contour line intervisible

分清compass point(NESW) reduced bearing(N/S__° E/W),記住從 from 之後開始睇

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