廣告位置二 (中)

What the HK teens do on the holiday?

If you have ever been curious of what HK teens would do in their spare time, this article may give you an answer.

1.         Hanging out
MongKok is a good place including all the thing we need. There has a lot of big and small scale shopping mall with expensive or cheap option for us to buy. We also go to karaoke or cinema. Theprice in MK is rather affordable while maintaining a vast variety of option. 

2.         Study
            Parents in HK exceptionally cure the academy of child. So the teens sometime have to attend the tutorial class on the holiday. Some of parents even fill full the time with tutorial lesson so that the child has no crack in a day for rest. Some school arrange extra lessons in the period of approaching to date of public exam. There are some self-discipline teens would go library. So the teens in some way really bear a heavy responsibility. 


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